Anxiety Disorders

Feeling Anxious?

Rest assured, we all experience anxiety at one time or another.

This feeling most often arises in new and intimidating or stressful situations, such as public speaking, narrowly avoiding a car accident, or waiting for the results of a competition or health tests.

In these kinds of situations, feeling anxious is more or less normal, and this emotion can sometimes be beneficial. Anxiety can help us become aware of a worrying situation, concentrate more on an exam, or enhance our sports performance.

Anxiety is not always harmful, and most of the time, it is short-lived. However, sometimes anxiety lingers over time to the point where it impairs our ability to manage daily problems and disrupts our lives. In such cases, we may refer to it as an anxiety disorder.

What Are Anxiety Disorders?

  • Anxiety disorders include:

    • Panic disorder (sudden anxiety that appears without warning).
    • Agoraphobia (sudden fear of crowds or gatherings, imagining that we cannot escape).
    • Phobias (fear of spiders, airplanes, heights, darkness, etc.).
    • Social anxiety disorder or social phobia (fear of public speaking or being around new people).
    • Generalized anxiety disorder (anxiety without apparent reasons).

    Anxiety disorders are often accompanied by other conditions such as depression, OCD, eating disorders (bulimia, anorexia), or addictions (alcohol, drugs).

Overcoming Anxiety Disorders with Dynamic Neurofeedback

Anxiety disorders often emerge suddenly, seemingly out of nowhere. For many years, we have been searching for reasons why it should not be possible to make these disorders disappear as quickly as they appear.

We have, therefore, sought the true neuronal triggers of anxiety and stress. In our search, we realized that brain neuroplasticity must be one of the keys, not only to the onset of anxiety but also to its resolution.

Just as a certain way of thinking can transform a healthy person into a stressed and anxious patient, there must be another way of thinking that can reverse this process.

Neurofeedback will help you redefine your thought patterns. With Neurofeedback and your brain’s neuroplasticity, you will have the resources to regulate your emotions.

You can regain well-being, serenity, and fulfillment in your personal and professional life.