Neurofeedback for Managing Insomnia

Neurofeedback to Combat Insomnia

Whether it’s you or your partner struggling with sleepless nights, you’re undoubtedly searching for an effective remedy for insomnia.

Insomnia is a sleep disorder that makes it difficult for you to fall asleep or stay asleep as long as desired.

Most of the time, insomnia results in depression, failure, stress, anxiety, migraines, physical pain, and it can even lead to illness and career or social breakdown.

Often, insomnia treatments merely mask the problem or do not delve deep enough to correct the nervous system, the root cause of sleep disturbances.

Neurofeedback may offer a sustainable alternative solution to sleepless nights by regulating stress and sleep disorders at their source: brainwaves and the nervous system. Neurofeedback can help with various sleep disorders, including those in children, delayed sleep phase disorder, sleep deprivation, circadian rhythm disorders (internal body clock), onset insomnia

Causes and Effects of Insomnia

Researchers have shown that people experiencing insomnia are ten times more likely to develop actual clinical depression.

Prolonged insomnia often leads to depression. Insomnia and depression often go hand in hand, with one triggering the other.

Individuals with depression may suffer from a range of insomnia symptoms, including difficulty falling asleep (initial insomnia), difficulty staying asleep (maintenance insomnia), non-restorative sleep, and daytime fatigue that results in irritability, lack of concentration, nervousness, and entering a vicious cycle.

Neurofeedback often helps clients recover from depression. Lack of sleep can increase the risk of anxiety disorders, and insomnia can also worsen anxiety symptoms.

Neurofeedback has been proven effective against anxiety.

Insomnia in Adolescents

A 2006 American survey of adolescents revealed that among those who felt melancholic and depressed, 73% reported poor sleep at night.

Anger, worry, grief, bipolar disorders, and trauma are other common causes of emotional and psychological insomnia.

Traditional Insomnia Treatment

Traditional insomnia treatment often involves pharmaceutical (medication) approaches.

Natural Remedies for Insomnia

Neurofeedback can be added to the list of alternative solutions for managing insomnia because Neurofeedback is non-invasive and natural.

While relaxation exercises can be helpful, what sets Neurofeedback apart is the precise customization of your brainwaves at that specific moment. This precise customization, managed by the software, spares you trial and error and unnecessary efforts.

Our Neurofeedback software, Neuroptimal®, reads the unique frequency of your brainwaves down to the millisecond and customizes an ultra-low micro-signal directly sent to your brain. Neurofeedback is highly effective compared to other general relaxation methods due to this precise customization, which changes every millisecond.

After experiencing sleepless nights for a long time, the brain of insomniacs acquires dysfunctional stability (either frozen or prone to racing). This frozen state disrupts or disorganizes the individual’s brainwaves.

Neurofeedback stimulates the brain at a micro level, creating a temporary fluctuation in brain activity. This allows the brain to retrace new neuronal pathways and reorganize itself, breaking free from its frozen and blocked patterns. This process is similar to rebooting a frozen computer. Healthy and functional brainwaves are flexible and resilient. When there is a slight fluctuation, they automatically return to their healthy patterns.

Neurofeedback's Help Against Insomnia

Neurofeedback resets stress and sleep disorders at their source: brainwaves and the nervous system.

Traditional insomnia treatments only mask the problem and do not go far enough to modify the nervous system.

Thanks to micro interruptions, Neurofeedback stimulates the brain, which can naturally and organically rebalance brain chemistry. Sessions last for 33 minutes, and the client remains passive, seated, and relaxed in a comfortable chair, sometimes even falling asleep during the session.

For “mild” insomnia, positive results are often observed after the first sessions. It is not uncommon for a client to feel a sense of lightness and relaxation after the first session. Although this effect is temporary, subsequent sessions encourage the brain to develop and access the new pathways it has discovered until they become “permanent.” The brain unconsciously redefines new thought patterns.

Since these sessions last only about 30 minutes and are generally conducted once or twice a week, improvement can be seen quite quickly, especially when compared to medication and/or psychotherapy, which can last for months or years.

If you undergo behavioral therapy alongside your Neurofeedback sessions, you may find that you can progress and rebalance more quickly.