Title: “DYS” Disorders
Subtitle: What Are They?
“DYS” disorders have a cognitive origin, are persistent, and often have long-lasting effects. They are also referred to as learning disorders because they directly affect perception and, consequently, comprehension.
Today, with new distinctions, “DYS” disorders are considered neurodevelopmental disorders.
The term “DYS” is used as a shorthand because it refers to the prefix of the specific disorders that constitute them, such as dyslexia, dyspraxia, and dysgraphia, for example.
These disorders not only affect learning but also impact social, familial, professional, and, most importantly, emotional aspects.
The first noticeable impact of “DYS” disorders is on academic learning. However, since learning continues throughout life, the consequences can be significant even in adulthood.
“DYS” disorders also affect daily life. For instance, an adult with dyslexia may struggle to read administrative documents, and a person with dysphasia may find it challenging to communicate during a meeting or understand other participants.
Having a different cognitive function than others is not always easy to accept. Difficult experiences can tarnish the positive self-image that individuals with “DYS” disorders may have of themselves. They may lose confidence in their abilities and self-esteem.
When someone has “DYS” disorders, intervention is often necessary, typically by a speech therapist (orthophoniste) or sometimes by a psychomotor therapist (psychomotricien).
Neurofeedback can significantly enhance the effectiveness and speed of speech therapy by making the mind more available and receptive. The benefit will be optimized, leading to faster results.
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